Hurricane preparation Locksmith Port St Lucie

Hurricane preparation Locksmith Port St Lucie. Being prepared for hurricane season is extremely important especially in Florida where hurricanes are very active. It is better to prepare for a storm going into the start of the season and even before, than to wait until a storm is actually headed your way. It can be very stressful trying to prepare with the crowds of people trying to prepare as well. In this blog we will list some of the things that you can do to prepare before a storm to avoid some of the unnecessary frustrations.
Hurricane season generally starts on June 1st of the year and ends on November 30th, but that doesn’t mean that storms will only generate during these dates. Being prepared beforehand and during the season can make all the difference. Keeping your yard trimmed and your home clear of debris is something you can do throughout the year. Doing so can minimize injury to people and damage to property in the event of a hurricane by minimizing flying objects. Make sure that you have protection for all the openings of your home. If you have shutters make sure all the locks are working and you have the keys. If you need to have them opened or get the locks changed you can have a locksmith come out, doing so beforehand can save aggravation and panic because there may be limited appointments with a locksmith available. It is also a good idea to have extra copies of your house and car keys as well. A Lenny Locksmith can help you get all of your locksmith needs taken care of to prepare for hurricane season.
Not only will you need to have various tasks around your home prepared but you should also make sure you have plenty of bottled water and non perishable foods for you and your family as well as the family pets. Stock up on flash lights and batteries and it is always a good idea to have a battery powered radio on hand so you know the status of the storm and it’s whereabouts. If you have a generator make sure you start it at the beginning of each hurricane season to ensure it starts and still works and make sure to get gas cans and gasoline to run it.
Those are a few of the most important things to do when preparing for hurricane season. Of course there are many other things that need to be done as well depending on your particular needs. The most important thing is to stay safe in the event of a storm heading your way. Always remember A Lenny Locksmith is here to answer your questions anytime you are in need.